Friday 29 April 2022 - 01:51

Beijing: US, Japan Policy of ‘Fabricating China Space Threat’ Aimed at Space Militarization

Story Code : 991696
Beijing: US, Japan Policy of ‘Fabricating China Space Threat’ Aimed at Space Militarization
“The US and Japan have turned a blind eye to the facts, fabricated and hyped up the so called ‘space threat’ by China," China’s Ministry of National Defense spokesman Tan Kefei said in a press conference in Beijing on Thursday.

"It is just an excuse for their own space army expansion and predominance in space. China firmly opposes such moves.”

The ministry accused the US of promoting “space militarization with a Cold War mentality”.

“The US has openly defined space as a ‘combat domain’, established a Space Command, a space force, vigorously developed and deployed directed energy and ‘anti-satellite communication systems’ and other offensive space weapons, and frequently held military exercises such as ‘Schriever’, ‘Global Sentinel’ and Space Flag,” the spokesman said.

According to Kefei, the US government has launched all kinds of satellites, including military reconnaissance satellites, besides purchasing billions of US dollars worth of commercial satellite services “for military use.”

The US has categorically disavowed the draft treaty on the “Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, the Threat or Use of Force against Outer Space Objects” which was proposed by China and Russia, Kefei said.

He said Japan is also speeding up its military construction in space and setting up a “space combat force”.

These moves by the US and Japan raised the risk of “weaponization and arms race in outer space and negatively affected global strategic stability”, Kefei said.