Islam Times - The reported killing of a Saudi dissident who went missing after a visit to Saudi Arabia’s Consulate in Istanbul is a violation by Riyadh of Turkish sovereignty, says a commentator.
Islam Times - American foreign policy expert James Jatras believes the US military is against starting war with Iran because it does not want to get engaged in another open-ended wasteful military adventure in the Middle East region.
Islam Times - If the United States attempts to stop China from exploration and development of South China Sea resources, it will result in a military confrontation, according to Dennis Etler, an American political analyst who has a decades-long interest ...
Islam Times - The United States can never be trusted because it does not honor its international agreements, according to American political analyst Stephen Lendman.
Islam Times - History may one day rule this was the fateful geopolitical moment when the European Union clinched its PhD on foreign policy. Last week, EU foreign policy head Federica Mogherini and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, announced ...
Islam Times - The Islamic Republic of Iran is capable of bringing about the financial collapse of the West by blockading and cutting off the world’s energy supplies, according to E. Michael Jones, an American scholar and political analyst.
Islam Times - The United States is creating the basis for the regional conflagration in the Middle East by fortifying its circle around Iran, American writer and academic James Petras says.
Islam Times - The United States and Israel are opposing to the delivery of Russian-made S-300 missile defense system to Syria, because their foreign policy is based on double standard and hypocrisy, says an academic.
Islam Times - The administration of US President Donald Trump -- being isolated by its European allies on Iran– has stepped up efforts to form an Arab alliance against the Islamic Republic, but the move is “doomed to fail,” says a political analyst.
Islam Times - If the United States takes an offensive action against Iran, it might well ignite World War III, because Russia and China cannot stand by and see the Islamic Republic attacked by the West, according to James Fetzer, a US academic and analyst....
Islam Times - A resurgent China will not be bullied and intimidated by the United States, says Dennis Etler, an American political analyst who has a decades-long interest in international affairs.
Islam Times - New Trade Sanctions by the US in the form of tariffs on US$ 200 billion Chinese exports to the US – China in a tit-for-tat move imposed new tariffs on 60 billion of US goods to China.
Islam Times - The Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MEK or MKO) is a destructive mind control cult which the United States is using to implement a regime change policy in Iran, a former long-time MKO member says.
Islam Times - The administration of US President Donald Trump is attempting to “demonize” Iran in order to prepare Americans for another possible war in the Middle East following Washington’s failed invasion of Iraq, says an American political activist....
Islam Times - The regime in Israel is seeking to occupy more Palestinian territories and expel all Palestinians from their homeland, a commentator says.
Islam Times - US President Donald Trump’s recent criticism of the United Nations is not surprising because he represents the view that the world body must serve US foreign policy, says an analyst in Virginia.
Islam Times - The mainstream Western media have been mostly silent about the deadly US-sponsored terrorist attack in the Iranian city of Ahvaz, according to US scholar and political analyst Kevin Barrett.
Islam Times - A former American counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer of the CIA says the United States is creating new areas of conflict that did not exist before.
Islam Times - The imperialist ruling class in the United States is pushing to keep the country in a state of “perpetual war” to maximize its profits, and President Donald Trump’s support for the Saudi aggression in Yemen is part of that policy, says ...