PMU Leader Pledges Support to Sayyed Nasrallah: Thousands of Fighters Ready to Stand with Hezbollah
Story Code : 1161256
"Peace be upon you," Al-Walai wrote, adding, "In honoring the immense suffering you endure, we extend our deepest sympathy and solidarity. Rest assured, we stand at the frontline, awaiting your signal to reinforce the borders and trenches with thousands of our fighters. If you have lost a thousand martyrs, we pledge to bring a hundred thousand heroes to your side, and God bears witness to our sincerity."
He continued, "O Sayyed Abu Hadi, our resistance forces, weapons, resources and very lives are at your command. Consider our fighters – men, women, elders and even children – as an extension of Hezbollah's strength."
Al-Walai concluded, "Peace be upon the pure blood of your martyrs, the blessed wounds, and your noble people."
This letter reflects the profound bond between the resistance forces and the unity in their cause.