Friday 9 August 2024 - 08:12

Why Haniyeh? Why Tehran?

Story Code : 1152882
Why Haniyeh? Why Tehran?
This extremist Zionist, unbound by any restraints, has turned hospitals, schools, mosques, and churches into killing fields for Palestinians in Gaza. He has also not hesitated to extend his reach beyond, targeting countries such as Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, and now, Iran. It is clear that the butcher of Gaza will stop at nothing to assuage his psychological frustrations and failures.

The regime's terrorist attacks took on a two-pronged approach last night. On one hand, they targeted residential areas in Beirut's Dahieh, taking out a prominent Hezbollah commander. On the other, a few hours later, in a blatant missile strike on Tehran, they assassinated Ismail Haniyeh, a distinguished guest at the Iranian presidential inauguration.

Haniyeh, one of the toughest and smartest adversaries of the occupying regime in recent years, was the heartbeat and brains behind Hamas, despite officially holding the position of head of the political bureau. Moreover, he was one of the most influential figures the resistance front has ever seen. His exceptional ability to synergize the diverse forces within the resistance movement and his exemplary diplomatic abilities in fostering relations between countries like Iran, Qatar, Turkey, Egypt, and Jordan, had established him as a true leader for the Palestinians.

His assassination in Tehran is undoubtedly the most heinous and brazen terrorist act by the Zionists since the Islamic Revolution. While the black book of the Zionist regime is replete with such atrocities, the recent twin attacks carry far greater significance. Here are some dimensions to consider:

Undermining peace efforts:

With last night's terrorist operation, the Zionist usurpers have disrupted and blocked any potential peace or ceasefire processes. Tel Aviv, a regime driven by chaos, subscribes to an apocalyptic worldview, believing that its survival depends on intensifying wartime conditions. The further the situation deviates from normalcy and the closer it gets to a critical and volatile state, the more secure the Zionists feel. History bears witness that whenever peace or ceasefire efforts near fruition, Zionist violence and brutality intensify. One of the founding fathers of the illegitimate Israeli regime is reputed to have advised his government: "Be a dog, be rabid, and you will be safe." In this vein, Netanyahu's primary objective in brutally assassinating two prominent figures of the resistance movement is to disrupt the path towards peace and perpetuate a state of war, drawing new parties directly into the conflict.

Gifts from Washington:

Netanyahu's visit to the US less than a week ago, during which he met with Biden and Trump and addressed the US House of Representatives, resulted in a tacit endorsement of his violent rhetoric towards resistance groups and the Islamic Republic of Iran. His speech, replete with hate-mongering and vitriol, was enthusiastically received by US lawmakers. In essence, Washington's blessing emboldened Netanyahu to expand the theater of war and intensify his assassination campaigns. The US, therefore, bears significant responsibility for this latest atrocity and must be held accountable and face repercussions commensurate with its complicity. Few doubt that Netanyahu would not have dared to commit such a heinous act without the consent and support of Washington.

Sending a message to Iran:

The timing and location of Ismail Haniyeh's assassination are the most crucial aspects of this incident. By targeting the influential Hamas leader in Tehran, just hours after his attendance at the inauguration of Masoud Pezeshkian, the Zionist regime intended to send a clear message to the newly elected Iranian government. They sought to provoke an impulsive reaction from Tehran and disrupt the "interactive resistance" approach espoused by Pezeshkian from the outset. Tel Aviv mistakenly believed that such an action would signal an intelligence and security failure for Iran, oblivious to the fact that they have repeatedly failed in the face of Iran's strategic prowess and intricate designs that have altered the regional equation. Iran's 45-year history of confronting the Zionist regime has proven its ability to impose the toughest security conditions on Tel Aviv and respond decisively to any provocative actions. The new Iranian administration, guided by the principles of both engagement and resistance, as emphasized by the Leader and the President, will respond intelligently and decisively to this latest Zionist crime.

Influencing the US elections:

It goes without saying that all political factions in the US have consistently offered unwavering support to the Zionists. However, Netanyahu's decision to assassinate Ismail Haniyeh appears to be a blatant display of his personal preference for Trump's victory in the upcoming US presidential election. It is not far-fetched to argue that Netanyahu intended to influence the election's outcome with this move. He likely believes that a Trump victory would allow him to effectively relocate his war room to Washington, DC, and synergize with a like-minded, hawkish president to continue his aggressive policies towards Palestine and its supporters with greater ease. This hypothesis is reinforced by Trump's own track record of assassinating Qassem Soleimani, one of the key commanders of the resistance movement.

Iranian strategic foresight:

There is no doubt that the masterminds behind the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh sought to provoke the Islamic Republic of Iran into deviating from its wise and comprehensive policies and eliciting a passive, knee-jerk reaction. Iran's top officials expressed their profound sorrow over this tragic loss in their messages. In his statement, Masoud Pezeshkian, conveyed his deep anguish, lamenting the fact that he had to bid farewell to someone whose hand he had raised in victory just the day before. There is no question that Iran, as emphasized by the Supreme Leader in his message, considers avenging the martyrdom of Haniyeh its duty. The promise of severe retribution from the

Leader echoes a similar vow made months ago, which led the Zionists to beg for mercy through intermediaries, pleading for Iran's retaliation to be tempered.

Iran's security and territorial integrity are a red line and a sacred boundary that no Iranian, regardless of political or ideological affiliation, will compromise. Tel Aviv, perhaps more than any other government, is keenly aware of this reality and is currently in a state of anxious turmoil. They know that Iran's retribution is inevitable, but the timing and place of this punitive action will be determined by Iran alone. The complex situation in the region and the ongoing dynamics in West Asia necessitate careful, forward-thinking calculations for any response. While the Iranian people are understandably shocked and saddened by this tragic incident, they go about their daily lives with remarkable resilience and calm. It is Tel Aviv, Haifa, and the Galilee that now face anxious days and sleepless nights, anticipating the inevitable consequences of their heinous act.