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Energy Poverty
16 Oct 2022 06:05
Fear of Media Power: Shireen Abu Akleh Personified Truth to Power
15 May 2022 22:53
Meanwhile In Afganistan ...
31 Aug 2021 06:43
Story of Kabul Fall, US Humiliated in Cartoons
20 Aug 2021 11:30
Kabul !
14 Aug 2021 04:42
play with fire
12 Aug 2021 07:26
War on Yemen: Example of Distorting the Truth
3 Aug 2021 09:45
Pro-Israeli Lobbies Exerts High Influence on US Administrations
6 Jul 2021 10:07
From stones to missiles
9 May 2021 04:39
Seeing is Believing
18 Mar 2021 17:07
Pfizer Vaccine in US
31 Jan 2021 09:23
Sanctioners of Medicines, Donors of Vaccines!
14 Jan 2021 12:54
The U.S. Regime Will Be Annihilated
23 Nov 2020 12:10
The People Have No Role In US Elections
23 Nov 2020 05:01
Office of President of US after Trump!
11 Nov 2020 01:15
Trump or Biden !
8 Nov 2020 04:56