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GOP lawmaker censures Trump for calling Never Trumpers ‘human scum’

24 Oct 2019 04:00

Islam Times- A GOP lawmaker has lashed out at US President Donald Trump for calling Never Trump Republicans "human scum."

Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.) made the comments in an interview with CNN on Wednesday.
"To call anybody human scum is beneath the office of the presidency. You can't say that, right? You're the president. You have different standards," Kinzinger said. "Sometimes you'll hear people say, 'Well this congressman said this once… Yeah, nobody should say anything like this. But I think there's a different level when you're the president of the United States. You have a different responsibility, and that's why I'm outspoken about it."

The Republican politician further asserted that such behavior could energize the base but not help “win anybody to your side.”

"We need to just have conversations, and I'm going to say this to my colleagues on my side and the other side of the aisle," Kinzinger said. "By calling names and screaming and yelling and demonstrating, you never win anybody to your side. You just make your base happy, but you're not actually doing anything effective."

The comments were made as Trump was under pressure over an impeachment inquiry underway in the Democratic-held House.

"The Never Trumper Republicans, though on respirators with not many left, are in certain ways worse and more dangerous for our Country than the Do Nothing Democrats. Watch out for them, they are human scum!" wrote the president on Twitter.

His comment was mostly directed towards top diplomat to Ukraine William Taylor, who has reportedly provided a bombshell testimony against Trump.

This is while current and former administration officials keep offering more dirt Trump, which has apparently infuriated the president.

Several current and former officials have testified behind closed doors over the past few weeks as part of the process.

The impeachment inquiry is, meanwhile, overshadowed by the GOP protest against the process.
“This is a pathetic stunt. They are storming a castle that they already occupied,” said Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-N.J.), a former State Department official. “It is impossible to understand this from a rational point of view other than there was devastating testimony against the president.”

Story Code: 823717

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