Sunday 9 June 2013 - 08:58

Bilderbergers talk “big data”

Story Code : 271887
Bilderbergers talk “big data”
Big data refers to the massive amounts of information that are currently being gathered through the use of modern technology.
The Bilderberg Group mostly uses big data to analyze global megatrends and the information gathered by intelligence agencies.
Other topics of discussion this year include economic growth, US foreign policy, Africa's challenges, cyber-warfare, and online education.
The meeting opened in Watford, England on June 6 and closes on June 9.
British Prime Minister David Cameron, International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, Google chairman Eric Schmidt, and former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger are some of the people attending the 2013 Bilderberg meeting.
This year, a larger contingent of activists is protesting against the meeting.
The Bilderberg Group is an invitation-only community which holds annual meetings with approximately 140 guests attending. It is comprised of many wealthy and influential people in the fields of politics, banking, business, the military, and news media.
Although the names of attendees and the agenda for meetings are available on their website, the group holds its meetings in private and there are no press releases about them, which has raised suspicions about the Bilderbergers.
The group first convened in 1954 at the Hotel de Bilderberg in The Netherlands, which the group was named after.