Enemies Defeated in Yemen War, Says Ansarullah Leader
Story Code : 1186821
Why it matters: Al-Houthi’s statements reflect the resilience of the Yemeni resistance and highlight the broader ideological struggle against U.S. and Israeli influence in the region. His remarks also underscore Ansarullah’s focus on economic self-reliance and opposition to external domination.
The big picture: Al-Houthi’s address, delivered on the anniversary of Ansarullah’s founder, frames the Yemen conflict as part of a larger battle against imperialism.
Key points:
Economic resistance: Al-Houthi called for boycotting American and Israeli goods, labeling economic sanctions a tool of oppression and a motivation for self-sufficiency.
Zionist-American agenda: He criticized the Zionist project as a destructive force targeting the Islamic world and accused the U.S. of exploiting 9/11 to attack Islamic identity.
Saudi Arabia’s role: Al-Houthi condemned Saudi Arabia for its partnership with the U.S. in the war on Yemen, stating their efforts ended in failure.
Religious duty: He emphasized the Islamic community’s responsibility to counter American and Zionist oppression and to rebuild its approach based on Islamic principles.