National Disaster Is Looming in Ukraine: Economist
24 Aug 2024 23:22
Islam Times - A Ukrainian economist Alexey Kush warned that the population of Ukraine will decrease to 10 million people within the next 75 years due to the immigration and decrease in female fertility which is a national disaster.
The economist in a message in an article on his Facebook page warned that within the next 75 years, the population of Ukraine will decrease to 10 million people due to migration and a decrease in female fertility, which is a national disaster.
In 2023, 187,000 children were born in Ukraine while 230,000 children were born in that country a year earlier, and this means that in a one-year period, the birth rate in this European country has decreased by more than 30%, he reminded.
The depth of the tragedy is probably much greater, he said, adding that these 187,000 children who were born last year include all the children for whom the Ukrainian civil registry authorities have issued birth certificates for them all and also include the Ukrainian children who were born outside this country, primarily in the EU countries.
He also pointed to the negative effects of the war in Ukraine on the negative growth of the population of Ukraine and wrote, "The war is a national tragedy and the population crisis is a national disaster, and I do not understand people who still do not grasp out this simple truth."
In early August, Ukraine's national analytical source “Opendatabot”, which collects official data, reported that the death rate in Ukraine is more than three times the birth rate in the country.
Story Code: 1156023