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Iran Condemns Zionist Regime's Deceptive Stance on Palestinian Government

23 Feb 2024 09:52

Islam Times - Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani criticized the Zionist regime's cabinet decision regarding the formation of a Palestinian government, calling it a clear rejection of peace and past agreements.

"The recent positions and decisions of the fake Zionist regime's cabinet and Knesset regarding the opposition to the formation of an independent Palestinian government once again expose the ugly, warmonger, and occupier nature of this regime," Kanaani stated on his official X account.

He emphasized that the Zionist regime's approach rejects peace and past agreements promised deceitfully by Zionist leaders over the past few decades.

Kanaani added that the regime intends to deny the rights of the Palestinian people, including self-determination and the establishment of an independent government in historical Palestine.

He stressed that the only solution to the occupation crisis is the realization of the Palestinian people's will in forming an independent government with its capital in Al-Quds.

Iran, along with other freedom-loving countries, supports the demands and rights of the Palestinian people, which have been ignored for more than seven decades.

Kanaani concluded that respecting the opinions of all Palestinians through a general referendum is the only way to end war and restore peace and security to the region.

Story Code: 1118044

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