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Sheikh Zakzaki's lawyer, Isaac Adam Isaac, in an exclusive interview with the Islam Times:

We Believe that the Court Will Rule on the Release of Sheikh Zakzaki: Lawyer

1 Jul 2021 07:44

Islam Times - "Isaac Adam Isaac, a member of the team of lawyers defending the Nigerian Shiite leader, said that enen though no verdict would be issued in today's hearing, we think that the formal court of "Sheikh Zakzaki" will finally vote for the release of this prominent Nigerian figure and we will be victorious.

According to the Islam Times, it was December 1994, during a pre-planned conspiracy by Nigerian military forces, albeit with the coordination of the Abuja government, and behind all this coordination with the green light of the United States, the Zionist regime and even Saudi Arabia who brutally martyred a large number of Nigerian Muslims, and "Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaki" and his wife were taken prisoner while severely wounded, and since that day, this prominent moral, political and religious figure in Nigeria has been imprisoned on trumped-up charges, and the court officials then called false witnesses to the court so that they might be able to gradually kill Sheikh Zakzaki and his wife, who are deprived of medical treatment due to severe injuries, by prolonging the process of this formal and false trial. But thanks to God, the Shiite leader of the world and his wife are still alive today, despite their poor physical condition, and hope for freedom from the cruel imprisonment that has been plotted against them by Wahhabism and their Western backers. 

The last time the trial of Sheikh Zakzaki was held on Wednesday, March 31, 2021, in which the last false witness from the Nigerian government, who was the 15th person placed as a witness, and like the rest of the witnesses, he started making false statements, which he was disgraced by presenting false and irrelevant testimonies and not answering the questions of "Sheikh Zakzaki"'s lawyer. 

At the end of this court session, it was decided that the next session will be held on May 25, but because all Nigerian courts and tribunals went on a nationwide strike in protest of a domestic issue, the trial was adjourned until today, July 1.

In this regard, the "Islam Times" reporter called "Isaac Adam", a member of Sheikh Zakzaki's defense team, and asked him about today's court hearing.

"Isaac Adam" in response to the question of what issues will be raised and followed up in today's court session? he stated: The trial of Sheikh Zakzaki will take place today, Thursday, the first day of July in Kaduna, but today's hearing is not dedicated to sentencing, ie no verdict will be issued in today's hearing. In today's session, we will present some of the documents that we have already collected and registered. 

He added: In today's hearing, after presenting the documents of Sheikh Zakzaki's defense team in court (to prove Sheikh Zakzaki's innocence), he will discuss and argue by presenting oral arguments. Thus, the court will set another time for the verdict after today's hearing.

As we asked Isaac Adam, what is your prediction of the verdict regarding the situation of "Sheikh Zakzaki"? He replied: "We think we will succeed and, God willing, we will win this court and we very much hope to leave today's meeting happily."

Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky and his wife were arrested on December 13, 2015, during a Nigerian military raid on a Husseiniyah in the town of Zaria.

In recent months, Nigerians have repeatedly staged demonstrations in various cities demanding the release of Sheikh Zakzaky, but Nigerian security forces have cracked down on them.

Story Code: 940976

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Islam Times