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Islam Times' Exclusive Interview with Pastor Joshua AhmedŲŒ Throne of Worship International Initiative

Nigerian Pastor: Sheikh Zakzaki is a Representative of Peace

Interviewed By Masoumeh Forouzan

9 Mar 2021 09:52

Islam Times - "Joshua Ahmed", pastor in Kaduna Nigeria stressed that all Nigerians will raise their voice against the injustice that is been meted on Sheikh Zakzaki, and will continue to speak, write and send messages especially to the Nigerian Government, through all the means necessary to grant him freedom.

According to the Islam Times, a life full of asceticism, piety, alienation from "Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaki" and at the same time his respect for other religions, all became more and more popular among the Nigerian people and a large number of people in the country, more than 20 million people, convert to the Shiite religion, while the Sunni brothers and even the Nigerian Christians are among the lovers of the Nigerian Shiite leader.

On December 13, 2015, Nigerian Shiites were mourning Imam Hussein PBUH in Zaria Husseiniya, Nigerian Police Officers have attacked the Husseiniyah and the personal home of Sheikh Zakzaki with a previous plot to destroy Shiite Islam, killing more than 1,000 Shiites and a number of members of Sheikh Zakzaki's family, the leader of the Nigerian Islamic Movement was severely wounded and taken prisoner. He has been imprisoned with his wife in a very cruel manner for almost 6 years due to false accusations.

In this regard, the reporter of the news-analytical website "Islam Times" had an exclusive interview with "Pastor Joshua Ahmed", pastor in Kaduna Nigeria and asked his opinion about the Nigerian Shiite leader;

1) If you want to describe Sheikh Zakzaki in a few words, what would you say?

Ans: The Sheikh can be best described as a Peace Ambassador and Humanitarian.

2) Christian monks in Nigeria believe that Sheikh Zakzaki is the representative of peace in Nigerian society. Why should a representative of peace be arrested and imprisoned?

Ans: Truly we the Christians believe and know that the Sheikh is a representative of Peace. He was only arrested and imprisoned by haters of peace and people who delight in dishing out injustice.

3) If you wanted to send a message to Sheikh Zakzaki that one of his relatives would send to him during a meeting in prison, what message would you send?

Ans: Dear Father, kindly know that we love you and will continue to pray for you. Justice will soon prevail over injustice, stay strong.

4) In your opinion, what practical action should be taken by the Nigerian people and their supporters now, in addition to the demonstrations that have been taking place in the country almost daily after 5 years, which will lead to his release?

Ans: I sincerely love to call on all Nigerians who are lovers of justice to raise our voice against the injustice that is been meted on Sheikh, we have to continue to speak, write and send messages especially to the Nigerian Government, through all the means necessary to grant him freedom.

5) How do you see the future of Sheikh Zakzaki?

Ans: There is always light at the end of the tunnel, nor matter how dark it may be. Sheikh is coming out stronger and better.

6) Why have human rights institutions and organizations, which always insist on respect for human rights, remained silent on the issue of Sheikh Zakzaki and his wife, which is very painful and sad?

Ans: It is rather unfortunate and outrightly obvious that the Government of the day is against anyone who is speaking for the Sheikh in one way or the other, therefore the human right organizations will rather bow to the government than stand for the truth. This indeed is a very bad omen.

7) What is the secret Conspiracy Factors against Sheikh Zakzaki?

Ans: Injustice remains an enemy to justice. Those who are unjust are aways seeking ways to silence the just.

8) Why do Nigerian Christians and a Christian monk and priest as like as you , love Sheikh Zakzaki?

Ans: We love you and will continue to love him because he is a lover of peace, he love us all as humans irrespective of religion or regional affiliation. He is a true example of the Prophet.

9) Why do Nigerian government officials, given that they have imprisoned Sheikh Zakzaki but are still afraid of his name and do not allow reporters to publish news in this regard, and this issue is in the news boycott?

Ans: The guilty ones are always afraid. Sooner than later, their evil deeds shall be expose. They are terrified because they know that the people are with the Sheikh and will stand for him.

10) Why  Abuja officials dont want to liberat  Nigerian Shiite leader  Sheikh Zakzaki and his wife? What is the obstacle to their freedom? Perhaps the religion is the cause of oppression against Zakzaki, and in this regard, do you accuse Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime About putting the Nigerian government Under pressure on the issue of "Sheikh Zakzaki"or not?

Ans: No right thinking person should accuse anyone for doing the right thing. We all should put our hands on deck to seek for justice.

Story Code: 920510

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