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Exclusive Interview with Egyptian Politician:

Martyr Soleimani was Concerned with Liberating Palestine and the Geographical Borders did not Limit his Work

26 Dec 2020 18:33

Islam Times - The Egyptian political analyst and media activist, Ilhami Al-Meligy, confirmed that the martyr commander of the Iranian Quds Force, Qassem Soleimani, was concerned with liberating Palestine from the grip of the Zionist occupation, as it is the central issue for Islamic and Arab peoples, pointing out that the geographical borders did not limit his work and his jihadist and resistance project.

In an interview with "Islam Times", Ilhami Al-Meligy commented about the characteristics of the late leader Soleimani, noting that "the martyr Soleimani was aware that issues of liberation and confronting imperialist arrogance were widely accepted by popular sectors at the international and regional levels."

He stated that "the late martyr Qassem Soleimani has a present imprint in everything related to Resisting the Zionist and American project in Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Iraq."

Regarding his vision of Hajj Soleimani's jihadi project and his vision for the region, the Egyptian political analyst pointed out that "General Soleimani is a special man who believed in the right of the Palestinian people to achieve their state on all Palestinian soil and to defeat the Palestinian occupation from the lands they occupied in Syria and Lebanon.

He believed that US imperialism was the greatest devil supporting the Zionist entity, which requires confronting it with all available means to purify the region from the filth of the American forces.

The full text of the interview is as follows:

Islam Times: In your opinion, how did General Qassem Soleimani link the strong resistance ring between Iran, through Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria?

Ilhami Al-Meligy: The martyr Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Quds Force of the Revolutionary Guards in Iran, had a presence in everything related to the resistance to the Zionist project in Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Iraq, and Iranian support for the resistance movements in Gaza and Lebanon achieved a measure of balance with the Zionist entity. The missiles that he supplied to the resistance in Gaza managed to reach the heart of Israel, and the same applies to Hezbollah, which has become a balance of terror with the Zionist entity, in addition to its logistical support that it provided to both the governments of Syria and Iraq for what it had an effective role in confronting terrorist groups and to defeat them.

Islam Times: Given the adherence of the peoples in North Africa to the Palestinian principles, how do you read their relationship to the axis of resistance and how do you evaluate the impact of the axis of resistance, especially Hajj Soleimani’s thoughts, on North African countries?

Elhami Al-Meligy: The countries of Morocco (North Africa) formed a strategic depth at the official and popular levels. Tunisia is characterized by special relations with the leaders of the Palestine Liberation Organization, as it embraced its leaders after the exit from Beirut and until the return to the Palestinian territories in accordance with the Oslo Agreement, and this explains the link of a large sector of the Tunisian people with the resistance, which made it an field for the activity of Major General Qassem Soleimani.

The Algerian revolution against French colonialism was a guiding light for the Palestinian revolution, which contributed to strong ties between the Algerian people and the Palestinian people and their just cause, so that the political leadership in Algeria is gaining some of its legitimacy by supporting the Palestinian cause, and a large segment of the Moroccan people has recently shown a decisive rejection of normalization with the Zionist entity, and denounced the step taken by the government and signed an agreement for normalization with the entity.

Islam Times: Why did Martyr Soleimani not care about the geographical borders in his work and jihad project?

Elhami Al-Meligy: The martyr Qassem was aware that the issues of liberation and confronting imperialist arrogance were widely accepted by popular sectors at the international and regional levels, and because the martyr believes that the liberation of Palestine is the central issue of Islamic and Arab peoples, and that the greater the official and popular international and regional support for the rights of the Palestinian people, the closer the date will be to liberating the entire Palestinian soil.

Based on this awareness, General Soleimani’s movement was at the international level, and no limits prevented him from moving towards the supreme goal of uprooting the Zionist entity from all Palestinian lands and defeating Zionist entity and the hostile imperialist powers' schemes that destroys peoples' dreams.

Islam Times: How do you interpret General Soleimani's jihad, thought and his vision for the region?

Elhami Al-Meligy: General Soleimani is a special man who believed in the right of the Palestinian people to achieve their state on all Palestinian soil and to defeat the Palestinian occupation from the lands they occupied in Syria and Lebanon.

He believed that US imperialism was the greatest devil supporting the Zionist entity, which requires confronting it with all available means to purify the region from the filth of the American forces.

Islam Times: What are the indications of popular sympathy in his funeral?

Elhami Al-Meligy: The extent of the widespread sadness for the loss of the martyr Qassem Soleimani among large sectors of the population in the region and the world, and the rage for the American forces for carrying out the criminal operation that affected the martyr and his comrades in a treacherous operation.

Story Code: 906388

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