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Yemeni FM Speaks to "Islam Times": We will not Compromise Palestine and We Condemn Normalization with Israel

19 Dec 2020 09:40

Islam Times- The Yemeni Minister of Foreign Affairs in the National Salvation Government in the capital, Sana'a, Hisham Sharaf, confirmed that the position of the Salvation Government on the Palestinian issue is clear, which is that Palestine is an Arab country and that Palestinians have their own rights, and we are certain that Palestine will return one day.

In a detailed interview with the "Islam Times", Hisham Sharaf explained for years about the offer of normalization with the Zionist entity in exchange for stopping the Saudi-led aggression against Yemen, as he stated that: "This was not proposed in the open at all, nor would they dare to negotiate with us on our principles that we never believe in."

In regard to the problems in Yemen, Minister Sharaf stressed that national reconciliation is among the priorities of the leadership and the Salvation Government in Sana'a, noting that "the agreement of Yemenis from all affiliations and parties will make it easier for Yemenis to sit together with the aggressors to demand freedom, independence and gain sovereignty."

Concerning the return of the Iranian ambassador to Sanaa, the Yemeni foreign minister said, "Our meetings with the Iranian ambassador are fruitful and good. I was the first to receive him. He is a rational, balanced, wise person who is able to understand the reality and conditions of Yemen."

While stressing that "the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh in late November, was not a spur of the moment, but the Zionist entity never wants Iran to have any counter-deterrence capability, and I believe that Iran's possession of nuclear weapons is very important as long as Israel possesses this weapon."

The following is the transcript of the interview:

Is there a plan for an agreement between the Yemeni groups by the National Salvation Government so that Yemen will soon sees peace and security? What is the role of the Yemeni Foreign Ministry so far to achieve this?

National reconciliation is among the priorities of the leadership and the Salvation Government in Sanaa. A team has been formed in the name of national reconciliation headed by Brother Yusef Al-Fishi and includes a group of different national figures.
The aim of this team is to gather the diaspora of all parties for national reconciliation to come out in one melting pot that serves Yemen first, because the agreement of the Yemenis of all affiliations and parties will make it easier for the Yemenis to sit together with the aggressors to demand freedom and independence and gain sovereignty

How do you evaluate the prisoner exchange process? What are the countries or parties that played a role in that, and can this method or parties concerned be used towards a political solution to the Yemeni crisis in particular, and is there news of a new prisoner exchange deal?

The dispute between the mercenaries and the prisoners is part of the solution to the crisis in Yemen, because the issue of prisoners is a national issue because they are our brothers. The last deal came through the mediation of the United Nations and the Red Cross, and this is a successful step and we encourage it. There is preparation for a new and large exchange deal that may take place next month, God willing.

After great and very long suffering for the Yemeni people that exceeded half a year as a result of the detention of oil ships, and after strenuous efforts on the political level to try to solve the oil derivatives crisis, and that was because ships loaded with fuel were prevented from entering, and what are the measures that made the enemy release the ships? Which led to a breakthrough in the oil derivatives crisis?

Of course, this file is used to starve the people to incite the street against the political authority in Sanaa, because it is the same issue as cutting salaries, and it is one of the methods of economic warfare, but we are ready for everything.

What are the countries that have expressed their support and work to solve this problem, the problem of the oil derivatives crisis that led to humanitarian disasters in the health aspect, and how does the United Nations cooperate in this regard, and with this file and how would you  describes it?

Of the countries that stood up and pressed Russia and Germany; Not to pressure the economic war.

How do you read the differences between mercenaries, internal enemies, who are in fact supporters of the Emirates and Saudi Arabia in southern Yemen? Does this not indicate the emergence of a large rift between the coalition of aggression due to their different interests in Yemen, followed by a feeling of despair and helplessness towards the strong resistance front and the National Salvation Government?

These Group that you mentioned are under the orders of external parties ... and as long as they receive support, the struggle will continue between them, such as the Reform and Transitional Militia, Hadi’s followers and others.

Do you think that the current dispute between the mercenaries of the south and the Islah party, which is fighting on behalf of the Emirates and the other in the name of Saudi Arabia, is for the control of oil resources? Or are there other goals?

The truth of the conflict is over the resources of mercenaries and not over oil resources, because oil resources need institutions to manage them ... and these militias may steal from them a little, but mainly they are affiliated with foreign parties from Saudi Arabia and the UAE, and upon stopping the Saudi-Emirati support, these militias will fall as autumn leaves.

What is the secret hidden in the island of Socotra? And what made it the focus of the ambitions of the Emirates and other countries to this island? According to published news and reports, the UAE is planning to build a military base on the island. What is the island and what is the reason for the Zionist officers move to this island secretly, even with different covers?

Socotra is an environmental, economic and geographic treasure, with a unique location on the ocean. It can be a communications monitoring center, and the UAE is trying to build a military base in it to get closer to America and Israel, but I say it, frankly, Socotra is Yemeni and it will remain Yemeni no matter how the UAE works in it even if they grow in numbers..it will return to Yemen despite the noses of the occupiers in which they do not even deserve the word occupiers because they are too small to occupy the origin of civilization, the cradle of Arabism.

What is the opinion of the Yemeni people and the government of Sana'a on the issue of Palestine, and how do you see, in your capacity as foreign minister of the Yemeni National Salvation Government, the future of the countries that have stepped (ridden) to the train of normalization?

The position of the Salvation Government on the Palestinian issue is clear, which is that Palestine is an Arab country and that Palestinians have their own rights, and we are certain that Palestine will return one day, and Palestine will remain for the Palestinians. We have never been asked to stop the aggression in exchange for normalization with the Zionist entity, and they will not dare to negotiate with us on our principles that we believe in, rather, even the cowardly Israeli ambassador in Egypt is very afraid in which he does not go out until evening, and with close guard because he knows that his country is not clean, and he does not have clear official meetings with the rest of the ambassadors, and this indicates the Egyptian people's rejection of Israel altogether and that these new normalizers are only trying to protect themselves with America because they are well aware that they are fleeting.

What is the message that the presence of the Iranian ambassador in Sanaa sent to the countries of the region, especially the aggressor coalition countries? Does it not mean the defeat of the siege of Yemen?

Our meetings with the Iranian ambassador are fruitful and good, and I was the first to receive him. He is a rational, balanced, wise figure who is able to understand the reality and conditions of Yemen, and in the coming meetings, what the Islamic Republic can help us in the educational aspect and others will be discussed ... even though Iran is besieged economically, and regarding the assassination of the Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, we have expressed our condemnation of this crime and we affirm that it was not a spur of the moment, but the Zionist entity never wants Iran to have any counter-deterrence capability, and I believe that Iran's possession of nuclear weapons is very important as long as Israel possesses this weapon.

And do not trust the Zionists at all for the rest of your scholars, since ten years ago I said this and I used to say it to my friend, the former Iranian ambassador .. Continue the path of the nuclear weapon; Because the deterrent weapon enables you to preserve your capabilities, and Israel will continue to target your scientists, and you must stress security on your scientists first, and secondly, attack their scientists.

Is the appointment of a Yemeni ambassador to Syria, an indication of the arrival of a Syrian ambassador to Yemeni lands?

The blockade alone prevents Syria and other countries from sending them ambassadors, representatives, chargé d'affaires or consuls to send a message that Sana'a is safety and that Yemen is on the path to peace.

What do you think of the American elections? Do you think that the American policy towards the oppressed Yemeni people will be different and the Democrats are different from the Republicans?

America is a state of institutions, and the American decision is studied in private places and is prepared for those who rule, and a crazy and impulsive president like Trump may come to reveal the ugly face of Americans, and someone who implements every American policy may come, and America's presidents do not serve anyone but America.

When Biden comes, the major arms companies will force him to sell weapons ... because they have no emotions, but rather interests control them. The American people are a peaceful and calm people and live around only for themselves, but there are lobbies that want to reap huge profits by selling weapons.

The question about the political messages of the Aramco bombing after the Yemeni army warned the residents of Najd and Hejaz to stay away from vital places?

As long as the aggression continues against us, we will continue targeting your vital facilities.

Story Code: 904714

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