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Lebanese Parliamentary Elections: A Lesson to Be Remembered for US Allies

By Mohamad Yousef

AlahedNews , 19 Mar 2022 10:38

Islam Times - The Lebanese parliamentary elections in the coming May 15th signals a very important event, as it comes at a very sensitive and tense time of the country.

The pro US parties in Lebanon are building up their momentum in an attempt to gain the majority of the parliamentary seats. They have started an intensified propaganda and a media campaign targeting the party’s arms and holding it responsible for all the multifaceted crisis the country is suffering.

Nevertheless, this is not likely to happen, hence the current majority might continue to exist as many studies and statistics suggest.

The US allies’ propaganda kept saying that Hezbollah is pushing to postpone the elections, but as we are getting closer and closer to the election’s day; it seems clearly that Hizballah is the best equipped and prepared party to participate in the elections. The party has taken the issue seriously and with full responsibility, as such, he has done made all the necessary preparations and activated his electoral machine with its full capacity.

The party announced its candidates and alliances early enough, so it could be easy for its supporters to understand the process and participate smoothly.

Hezbollah also announced the slogan and the main headlines of its electoral program.

Meanwhile, its adversaries are highly divided and clashing over many issues. They have never shown any sign of seriousness or indication of maturity. Contrary, they have revealed how much disorganized and vision lacking they are.

Those who in 2019 started what they at the time called a revolution and a civil society upheaval has boiled down to become a mere corrupt Money and power thirsty fragments. All their chants and slogans went astray. Thus, has clearly revealed and proven how mistaken and misled were those who pinned hopes on them.

As we are getting closer to the elections, the polls and studies show that the Americans and their allies inside Lebanon fear they would not be able to get the majority they have always planned and worked to gain, they are more convinced that Hezbollah and its allies are in a better position to win the majority again, that is why they are considering to postpone the elections until they become better prepared.

Whether the elections will take place or not, what happened so far is enough to show who really takes the national interest and the country’s public good as a priority and who is pursuing his own selfish narrow individual interests.

The surge of candidates in the pro America camp in Lebanon, their deep divisions, and inability to agree on a single issue is very telling about their real plans with the absence of any real program

Once again, some people will discover the bitter reality about The US and its allies and will be very disappointed, but hopefully they learn a lesson to be remembered this time!

Story Code: 984579

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