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The Hypocrisy of the International Community: Condemning Muslims, Praising “Israel”

By Mohamad Hammoud

21 Sep 2024 23:26

Islam Times - Imagine if a Muslim country had sent civilian communication equipment – pagers and walkie-talkies rigged with explosives – into “Israel”. The global response would be swift and severe. Government officials would race to condemn the act, with the US leading the charge. Emergency UN meetings would be convened, passing swift resolutions imposing sanctions, and possibly even military intervention.

However, this principled stance on freedom and humanity evaporates when “Israel” is the perpetrator. When “Israel” kills civilians, even American Muslims, the world remains silent. Human rights organizations turn a blind eye, and the US repeats its well-worn refrain: "‘Israel’ has the right to defend itself." This justification is used even when thousands of civilians are killed, as seen in the ongoing Gaza conflict. While Senator Bernie Sanders raises objections to the sale of American weapons to “Israel”, citing violations of US laws, his voice is drowned out by the powerful pro-“Israel” lobby, AIPAC.

The sad truth is that international laws, including those of the US, do not seem to apply to “Israel”. It acts with impunity, knowing that the US will block any attempt at holding it accountable, having used its veto power numerous times to shield “Israel” from UN resolutions. Even when US officials seek to take action, they are often thwarted by the overwhelming influence of the pro-“Israel” lobby.

September 17-18, 2024: A Blatant Violation of International Law and Commerce

“Israel's” detonation of explosive-rigged pagers and walkie-talkies in Lebanon exposed not only its disregard for international law but also the hypocrisy of the global community. “Israel” clearly violated several international laws, including the Geneva Conventions and international trade regulations. The World Trade Organization [WTO] and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade [GATT] prohibit the use of civilian goods for military purposes. Additionally, by transporting these devices across international borders, “Israel “violated Article 35 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which forbids using global shipping channels to move illegal weapons or explosives.

Experts on international law confirm this. Brian Finucane, a senior advisor with the International Crisis Group, and Jessica Peake, an international law professor at UCLA, noted, "Detonating pagers in people's pockets without any knowledge of where they are is a clear violation of both proportionality and distinction."

Yet, no Western country dared to condemn “Israel’s” actions, which not only endangered Lebanese civilians but also compromised the integrity of international trade routes, undermining the trust essential to global commerce. “Israeli” ministers have publicly advocated extreme measures, with Amihai Eliyahu suggesting the use of nuclear weapons on Palestinians and Gallant endorsing starvation as a weapon – both clear violations of international law.

A Long-Standing Pattern of Impunity

“Israel’s” disregard for international law is nothing new. Human rights organizations like Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have long documented “Israel’s” history of targeting civilians in conflict zones. Despite overwhelming evidence of war crimes, “Israel” continues to act without fear of repercussions, largely due to its powerful alliances.

The US has consistently provided diplomatic cover for “Israel” at the UN, blocking resolutions and shielding it from accountability. This political protection has created an environment where “Israel’s” violations go unpunished, perpetuating a cycle of violence and human suffering.

International Response: The Need for Accountability

The international community must act. The International Criminal Court [ICC], which has jurisdiction over war crimes, must investigate “Israel’s” use of explosive devices in civilian areas. Furthermore, international trade bodies like the WTO should examine how “Israel” was able to exploit global supply chains to carry out military objectives under the guise of legitimate commerce.

It is essential for global actors – including the United Nations, human rights organizations, and civil society – to condemn these actions and demand accountability. The transport of explosive devices disguised as civilian goods sets a dangerous precedent, one that threatens both civilian safety and the integrity of global commerce.

Conclusion: Upholding Humanity and International Law

“Israel’s” use of explosive-rigged civilian devices is a grave violation of international law and a stark reminder of its disregard for human rights. The hypocrisy of the international community, particularly in its treatment of “Israel” compared to Muslim nations, is glaring. The deaths of civilians, many of them children, cannot be dismissed under the pretense of self-defense. The victims of these heinous acts deserve justice, and the world must act to ensure those responsible are held to account.

Story Code: 1161548

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