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“Israel’s” Blatant Human Rights Violations and Disregard for International Law

By Mohamad Hammoud

19 Sep 2024 22:01

Islam Times - Once again, “Israel” has violated international law, killing civilians with impunity as the international community watches in silence. Some nations, notably the US, would defend “Israel’s” actions under the guise of self-defense, even amid mounting civilian casualties, as seen in the ongoing Gaza conflict. The recent detonation of communication devices in Lebanon is a clear violation of international law, particularly concerning civilian protection in conflict zones.

Violations of International Law: Ignoring the Principles of Distinction and Proportionality

On September 17 and 18, 2024, explosions in Lebanon were triggered by the detonation of pagers and walkie-talkies. These coordinated attacks resulted in the martyrdom of at least 35 people, including children, and injured thousands more. This operation once again highlights “Israel’s” blatant disregard for international laws designed to protect civilians during wartime.

International humanitarian law, especially the Geneva Conventions, mandates the protection of individuals not participating in hostilities, including civilians. Article 48 of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions clearly requires parties to a conflict to distinguish between civilian objects and military targets, directing operations solely at legitimate threats. “Israel’s” decision to destroy communication devices used by both military and civilian individuals directly contravenes this principle.

Moreover, international law enshrines the principles of proportionality and necessity requires military actions to balance military advantage with the minimization of harm to civilians. “Israeli” actions reveal a consistent pattern of disregard for civilian lives, violating these principles and endangering civilians. Such conduct erodes the very foundation of international law intended to minimize suffering in conflict zones.

A Culture of Impunity

What happened on September 18th and 19th was not an isolated incident. Human rights organizations, such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, have long documented “Israel’s” military actions resulting in civilian casualties and the destruction of critical infrastructure. Despite substantial evidence of these violations, “Israel” rarely faces legal accountability and continues to act with impunity, shielded by powerful political alliances.

The United States, for instance, consistently provides diplomatic cover for “Israel” in international forums like the United Nations, enabling it to evade accountability for its violations of international law. This political protection fosters a culture where “Israel’s” actions go unpunished, perpetuating a cycle of violence and human suffering. Without consequences, “Israel’s” disregard for civilian lives in conflict zones will persist.

The Need for International Accountability

The international community, including states, organizations and civil society, must demand that “Israel” adhere to international law and be held accountable for its actions. Protecting civilians in conflict is a core principle of international humanitarian law, and failing to enforce it undermines global efforts to safeguard human rights. It is crucial for the international community to act. Without sustained pressure and scrutiny, “Israel’s” cycle of violence and impunity will continue, prolonging the suffering in the region.


“Israel’s” recent military actions against communication devices in Lebanon exemplify a blatant disregard for international law and human rights. The ongoing failure to distinguish between military and civilian targets, coupled with a lack of accountability, underscores the urgent need for the international community to respond decisively. Only through collective action can the principles of international humanitarian law be upheld, protecting the rights and lives of those caught in conflict.

Story Code: 1161129

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