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The Relationship between Field and Diplomacy in Operation Al-Aqsa Storm

7 Apr 2024 09:51

Islam Times - Like the past wars of the Palestinian resistance, Operation Al-Aqsa Storm against the Israeli regime formally has three main pillars of field, diplomacy, and people. Still, qualitatively, it has a fundamental difference with the past wars, and one of the aspects of this difference is the type of relationship between the field and diplomacy. Despite the unprecedented severity of various aspects of Operation Al-Aqsa Storm like the scale of using arms by both sides, economic damages, human casualties, broadening of areas of control and clashes, and global attention, the relationship between the field and diplomacy has managed to keep Hamas in an vantage point. This relationship reached a peak at a point by moving in a rational and logical context and was able to record a valuable, unique and brilliant period for the resistance movement as a successful and very pioneering experience. The relationship formed under the following factors.

1. Heaviness of 75-year occupation and oppression: Although most of the Palestinians who witnessed the Nakba (foundation of Israeli regime in 1948) and the brutal usurpation of their ancestral land and the continuous crimes have passed away, over time they have related the bitter story of usurpation and continuous oppression for their children, and this bitter story mixed with the atrocities of each period and grew more bitter, and from time to time it boiled over in the form of a deep-rooted hatred against the Israeli regime. In these 75 years, neither the Israeli regime stopped its usurpation and crimes, nor did the Palestinians subimmited to humiliation and occupation. Therefore, after this long period of time, in which no moment was free of incidents and struggles, no Palestinian can be found to have forgotten Palestine and does not recognize it as belonging to the Palestinians. The honorable behavior of Palestine in this long period has proven that neither occupation, nor cruelty and crime, nor displacement, nor the passage of time can take away a right or falsify legitimacy and ownership. 

2. Ideals and hopes: A look at the pathetic period after Nakba tells us that the Israeli leaders and the leaders of powerful countries supporting barbarous and coercive actions of the Israeli regime in that dark historical period were thinking that by occupation of Palestine and displacing the Palestinians everything will end well and Palestine and the Palestinians will vanish from the history forever, bit they were unaware of the fact that the pure Palestinian soil was brewing developments and epics that could grab calm from the occupiers and their backers. Soon enough, children of Palestine grew up to struggle to make epics and liberate Palestine. The distinctive features of these honorable children were ideals and hopes. The lofty ideal of the children of Palestine was the freedom of their land and their hope was to firmly cling to this freedom under the shadow of God's grace and inviolable divinely promise of help and freedom. The great secret of Palestine's perseverance was that it did not see the ideals and hopes limited to one or two generations, rather, it saw it belonging to a nation at all times and each generation has a role and duty to continue them. Actually, to realize ideal of liberation, Palestine is way ahead of the Israeli regime and its supporters. In other words, each Palestinian is born to realize the liberation or die fighting for its realization. That is how the ideal of Palestinian liberation lives on and remains dynamic despite all of the costs. 

3. Smelling plots and danger: In recent years, with marginalization of the leftist factions in the Israeli politics and takeover of power by the far-right camp led by Benjamin Netanyahu for over a decade and then start of period of short-living governments, and then re-emergence of Netanyahu under a Likud-led coalition and formation of the most hardline far-right government after a year of rule of the opposition and then intensification of pressures on the Palestinians through war and settlement construction and Judaization of the Al-Quds (Jerusalem) through seizing Palestinian-majority neighborhoods and also insistence on bringing Hamas to its knees through implementation of complicated and dangerous plans that at the end of the road could seriously damage the resistance, the vigilant Hamas smelled the plot and designed and implemented an unprecedentedly comprehensive and precise preemptive operation and saved Palestine’s existence from a great danger that could be way more detrimental than past material and spiritual damages. 

4. Launching Operation Al-Aqsa Storm on October 7: In order to start the Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, a precise and all-round coordination between the forces in the field and diplomacy was pivotal. After this coordination, one of the most obvious features of which was the complete and amazing concealment from the Israeli intelligence apparatus, the operation started with 5 features: 1- Precise identification of the enemy's targets and positions 2- Preparation of the necessary and efficient forces and organization of the number of people according to requirements of the operation 3- Acting on time 4- Using the principle of surprise 5- Predicting the level of enemy’s reaction. 

5. The field as the factor shaping the diplomacy and being the most powerful backer to it: After successful implementation of the operation and start of the barbarous Israeli reaction, the most distinctive part of the history of Palestinian-Israeli battles emerged, and for the first time, the field with a powerful management of war and providing correct and reality-corresponding solutions paved the way for right decision making for diplomacy and provided it with emboldenment, confidence, credit, power, and independence. This new relationship has been so influential on the course of war and its fate that Israeli regime felt a danger from its maintaining and continuation. To hit it, Tel Aviv resorted to fake news and allegations, including claiming that there is difference between the field and the diplomacy, and at the same time launched a campaign to mar the main champions of resistance namely Hamas leader Yahya al-Sinwar, Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades commander Mohammed Deif, Deif's deputy Marwan issa, and others. In association with the US and Britain, the Israeli regime has mobilized all of its intelligence and military resources to eliminate these figures and destroy this relationship, but it has so far made the least success. By providing precise information from the battleground and reducing its distance with diplomacy, the field emboldened the diplomacy and shielded it against the fake propaganda of the Israeli regime and its agents that was designed to impact the calculations of the diplomacy and offered it the power to correctly understand the conditions and make the necessary decisions without being influenced by the destructive, deceptive and deviant factors so that the Palestinian blood and sacrifices come to fruition as soon as possible with the decernment and intellectuality of the field and diplomacy. 

Story Code: 1127299

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