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Behind the Scenes of the American Port Project in Gaza... Hints Pointing towards a Great Conspiracy

10 Mar 2024 21:38

Islam Times - The US government's move to set up a maritime corridor named "Humanitarian Aid Transfer" to Gaza has sparked considerable concerns and doubts about the existence of additional "sinister" intentions behind this initiative. According to experts, one of the most critical covert goals of this project will be the compulsory relocation of Palestinians.

After attempting to establish a technocratic government and offering limited air assistance to Gaza residents, the Biden administration in the United States has unveiled a new strategy for Palestinians.

In this context, Pentagon spokesperson Patrick S. Ryder announced on Friday that the United States is preparing to create a temporary port to dispatch maritime aid to Gaza. This initiative will allow large cargo ships to dock and unload their goods onto smaller vessels for transfer to a temporary maritime bridge linking to the Gaza coastline. According to Ryder, constructing this port will take approximately 60 days.

The Pentagon representative stressed the necessity of substantial US military and navy involvement, stating, "The mentioned mission requires the participation of nearly 1000 soldiers." He guaranteed that not a single soldier would set foot on the Gaza shore, and the operation would be conducted offshore. Ryder asserted that following the temporary port's operation, "approximately 2 million meals will be delivered daily to the people of Gaza."

The United States, which has been implicated in the bloodshed of Palestinians during the recent conflict between Hamas and the Zionist regime, as well as in its extensive support for the occupiers of al-Quds, has now adopted a humanitarian stance to cleanse its tarnished reputation and underscore the imperative of assisting Gaza's populace. Consequently, Palestinian resistance and even international observers have voiced concerns about the potential pursuit of a hidden agenda under the pretext of establishing a port for humanitarian aid.

Cyprus provides provisions for the Gaza Port

US authorities did not detail the operational aspects of the port in the absence of American military personnel in Gaza. However, they suggested that partners and allies, along with the United Nations and relief organizations, would be involved in executing this project.

Ryder highlighted that Washington is in discussions with allied nations to finalize the specifics of this initiative. The spokesperson mentioned that no public cost estimates have been provided and disclosed that the United States is also in talks with non-governmental organizations, aid groups, and the United Nations for the procurement and distribution of aid. Biden indicated that Israel would be responsible for securing the temporary port.

As reported by Russia Today (RT), Nikos Christodoulides, the President of Cyprus, announced on Friday that the Cyprus maritime corridor aims to expedite aid transfer to Gaza and alleviate pressure on land routes.

He further stated that his country's objective is to stabilize the maritime corridor and offer significant assistance to ease the suffering of non-combatants in Gaza. This aligns with Ursula von der Leyen's visit to Cyprus, the President of the European Commission, to discuss the necessary infrastructure for establishing a humanitarian corridor to Gaza.

With Cyprus chosen as the destination for maritime aid, it appears that groundwork for this initiative was laid earlier by the United States and its allies. The ongoing Gaza conflict now provides them with the opportunity to put their plans into action. It's important to note that Cyprus maintains friendly relations with the Zionist regime and has expanded its security, economic, and energy ties in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea in recent years.

The meetings held in June between Cyprus and Tel Aviv representatives are aimed at transferring Israeli gas to Cyprus for liquefaction and export to European countries. Cyprus's decision follows the recent elections in Turkey, although Ankara officials had previously insisted that Israel's gas exports to Europe must go through Turkey.

The Algeria Times website provided details of the plan, stating that the initial cost of the dock is estimated at $35 million, funded by the United States. The dock's depth will accommodate aid ships and will be no less than 17 meters, and the port area, spanning 6 square kilometers, will include floating hospitals catering to approximately 2.3 million non-combatants in Gaza. Additionally, floating shelters will be available on ships alongside the hospitals.

Despite America's apparent humanitarian gesture, this initiative has not garnered much global approval. Michael Fakhri, the UN special rapporteur on the right to food, criticized the US decision, labeling it as a "wicked act." According to him, Washington is supplying ammunition to the Zionist regime and providing financial support to it during the Gaza war.

According to the Anadolu Agency, the key point is that all ships carrying humanitarian aid do not directly head to the American port in Gaza. Instead, they are directed to the Ashdod port for inspection and scrutiny, and subsequently placed under Israeli control. Therefore, only goods approved by the Zionists will be permitted to enter this port.

Conspiracy to relocate Palestinians

Given the experience of recent decades, it's evident that America shows little concern for the plight of Palestinians. Behind this action lies concealed agendas driven by Hebrew-Western interests. Both the United States and the Zionist regime aim to exploit Gaza's dire situation, advancing the plan to relocate Palestinians, which has been under consideration in recent months.

Hisham Khraisat, a Jordanian expert in military and strategic affairs, expressed to Algeria Times: "While the floating dock off the coast of Gaza may seem like aid, its true purpose is facilitating voluntary migration to Europe."

According to the Arabi21 website, Muhammad al-Mukhtar al-Shinqiti, a political writer, elucidated: "The US construction of a port for aid transfer isn't solely for humanitarian purposes but rather for the relocation of Gaza residents to Cyprus, dispersing them globally and ceding Gaza's ownership and gas fields to Israel."

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine cautioned against the US initiative to establish a temporary maritime port off Gaza's coast for aid transfer. They emphasized that this dubious action surpasses the objective of aiding Palestinians, paving the way for sinister endeavors such as forced displacement under the guise of humanitarianism and various deceits.

Washington policymakers aim to permanently remove Gaza from the Palestinian map by constructing a port and incorporating it into the occupied territories. The only remaining area for Palestinians would be the West Bank, which faces an uncertain future due to the Netanyahu government's expansion of settlements.

While the Netanyahu government hasn't officially endorsed the US plan, some experts speculate that Tel Aviv will eventually agree to it to occupy Gaza and dismantle all Hamas infrastructure and tunnels.

The construction of this port signifies complete control of all Gaza ports by the Zionist regime and the end of Palestinian sovereignty over the region, which has sparked outrage among Palestinian leaders.

The Palestinian Authority Foreign Ministry, stated, "Israel's focus on authorizing maritime routes and obstructing ground aid passage through checkpoints aims to execute the occupation regime's strategy of perpetuating occupation, dividing the West Bank from Gaza, and relocating the Palestinian population."

The United States and the Zionist regime aim to permanently close off Rafah, the sole humanitarian passage to Gaza residents, through this project, thereby eradicating Egypt's role and influence in Palestinian affairs. They have previously sought to replace Rafah with the "Kerem Shalom" crossing and gain full control over Gaza residents and resistance groups.

Meanwhile, the United States plans to construct this port within the next two months, according to reports from the United Nations and human rights organizations. Due to the war and restrictions imposed by the occupiers, Gaza residents face the imminent threat of famine due to severe shortages of food, water, medicine, and fuel reserves, resulting in the loss of 23 lives due to malnutrition.

In such dire circumstances, if a ground attack on Rafah commences, the Palestinian situation will deteriorate significantly, and many may not have the chance to reach the port built by the United States.

Escaping from the burden of global pressures

Washington intends to demonstrate to the global community with this plan that it supports the Palestinian people and seeks to defend their rights through the proposed two-state solution that is currently being discussed. The objective is to relieve itself of global pressures. However, during the recent Gaza conflict, the United States has demonstrated alignment with the policy of depriving Palestinians, in collaboration with the Zionist regime.

Americans justify the establishment of this port as a means to uphold human rights and safeguard Palestinian lives. Nonetheless, the events of the past 75 years, particularly the recent Gaza conflict, have revealed that officials in the White House prioritize the security of settlers over the violated rights of Palestinians.

In recent times, American cargo planes have air-dropped limited amounts of food supplies to the besieged residents of Gaza. This ostensibly compassionate gesture has not been without casualties, as five Palestinians lost their lives on Thursday due to failed parachutes on the aid packages.

If the Biden administration genuinely seeks to support the people of Gaza, it should exert pressure on the extremist Netanyahu government to cease the genocide in Gaza. However, it appears to be a mere public relations maneuver aimed at deceiving global public opinion. According to al-Shinqiti, if America truly intended to aid Gaza, it could have directed the Egyptian government to transport the aid supplies stored in Rafah trucks to Gaza instead of constructing a port.

The credibility of America's commitment to supporting the people of Gaza would only be believable if the country ceased arms shipments to the Zionist regime and terminated financial aid to it. However, over the past five months, Washington has been the primary supporter of the Zionists, dispatching thousands of tons of weapons and billions of dollars to its ally, thus becoming complicit in the occupiers' crimes.

On the other hand, America's new plan offers no insight into how to manage this port. Since 2007, Israel has blockaded Gaza by land, sea, and air, leaving the fate of the new port uncertain. Should the siege persist, Gaza residents will endure continued hardship.

It's widely acknowledged that the primary instigator of the Gaza genocide is the United States, fueling conflict through Security Council vetoes and confrontations with resistance groups in the Red Sea.

Biden, whose support has dwindled among Americans due to strong backing for the Zionist regime, seeks to court Muslim and black communities to the Democrats by initiating the Gaza port construction, eyeing a second term in the November elections.

Security and administration of the seaport are in the hands of Zionists responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and the displacement of millions over seven decades. Zionists perceive Gaza and the West Bank residents as adversaries who should vacate the Promised Land promptly. Thus, the presence of Zionist soldiers at the Gaza port would perpetuate genocide and crime.

Story Code: 1121703

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