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The Downfall of the American Naval Hegemony in the Yemeni Red Sea

2 Mar 2024 00:01

Islam Times - Security intelligence in the Red Sea validates Ansarullah's dominance, indicating a shift in equations that signals the decline of American influence in the region and underscores its profound inability to safeguard the existence of the Zionist regime.

The recent joint military campaign led by the United States and its allies against Yemen has not only proven ineffective in containing Ansarullah but has also ushered in new challenges in the region for the Biden administration, not without consequences.

The American confrontation with Ansarullah commenced with the formation of the "Guardian of Welfare" naval coalition on December 19, primarily aimed at countering Ansarullah's drone and missile attacks on Zionist vessels in the Red Sea. However, by January 12, it escalated into operational airstrikes conducted by the United States and Britain against Yemeni positions. Despite numerous airstrikes employing sophisticated weaponry, experts doubt the success of these operations.

The United States and Britain initially hoped that continuous attacks on Yemeni territory would compel Ansarullah to cease operations against Zionist vessels in the Red Sea. However, not only has the frequency of Zionist vessel traffic in the area diminished to zero, but American and British ships are also now vulnerable to the resistance's strikes and tactics.

The Biden administration is subject to the scrutiny of Congress

After the United States failed to deter Ansarullah's missile operations, criticism against the Biden administration has heightened. Senators from both the Democratic and Republican parties have questioned Biden's approach to handling Ansarullah's attacks, stressing the necessity of obtaining congressional authorization to continue military actions against the resistance force.

According to “Balqees,” a Yemeni Website, during a congressional hearing, Senator Tim Kaine, a Democrat, voiced concerns about the Biden administration's legal authority for these attacks and their ramifications. He remarked, "I doubt that an increasing number of attacks—200, 400, 800, or 1,200—will achieve deterrence. I believe that reaching an agreement for prisoner release leading to a ceasefire, providing humanitarian aid in Gaza, and fostering dialogue will reestablish deterrence." Another Democratic senator, Chris Murphy, underscored, "The Constitution mandates Congress to authorize war. We have pledged to uphold the Constitution. If we deem this a military action, authorization must be issued."

Republican Senator Todd Young also expressed reservations about the U.S. government's strategy, asserting, "It's crucial for the government to respond effectively to these actions and demonstrate a strategic path to deterrence along with a sound legal doctrine. Thus far, I haven't witnessed the presentation of such a strategy."

The ongoing series of attacks against Ansarullah represents the most ineffective response thus far. This is due to the fact that the United States Navy continues to struggle in the Middle East, pursuing an unachievable objective.

For many years, the United States boasted the world's preeminent naval force, with its aircraft carriers traversing from east to west to assert dominance against adversaries. However, this naval powerhouse now finds itself faltering against Ansarullah to the extent that a recent White House official conceded that Ansarullah's operations present the greatest challenge to the Navy since World War II. Consequently, Sanaa has dealt blows against America that even major powers have refrained from confronting.

In recent weeks, Yemeni missiles and drones have targeted several American ships and vessels, signifying that Yemenis hold sway over security dynamics in the Red Sea. Sanaa's leaders have affirmed that their operations against Zionist vessels and their Western allies will persist as long as the Gaza conflict endures, serving as a warning to compel Israel to halt its Gaza atrocities and prevent further escalation in the Red Sea.

The United States, followed by Britain and subsequently European nations, have proposed naval blockades to curb Ansarullah's military activities. However, the nine-year confrontation against the heavily armed armies of Saudi Arabia and the UAE has demonstrated that Ansarullah has bolstered its defensive capabilities and deterrence independently, even amid severe economic sanctions. Consequently, such decisions cannot coerce Sanaa into capitulation.

Ansarullah has emerged as a regional force characterized by elements of surprise, intimidation, and shock, effectively trapping Tel Aviv and the West in the Red Sea.

America's apprehension extends beyond the current Gaza war phase, focusing predominantly on the post-war era and the altered landscape of the Middle East by resistance forces in recent months, causing alarm in Western capitals. Following this, the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea will no longer offer security to them.

Leaders in the White House are hesitant to acknowledge Ansarullah's success against their naval and aerial capabilities. Consequently, to uphold their reputation, they attribute Yemeni achievements to Iran and accuse the nation of arming Yemeni armed forces with weapons, technology, and intelligence. This serves to illustrate that Yemenis cannot independently strike America without assistance from the Islamic Republic.

Ansarullah’s Demonstration of Power

In recent years, Yemen has been actively enhancing its military aerial capabilities, which range from ballistic missiles and cruise missiles to drones, demonstrating the movement's defensive strength. However, a recent addition to Yemen's naval fleet poses a significant threat, potentially altering the dynamics of naval engagement.

Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi, the leader of Ansarullah, recently announced that Yemeni armed forces have incorporated "submarine weapons" into their arsenal for targeting American, British, and Zionist vessels, causing unease among adversaries.

Al-Houthi disclosed that Sanaa has already targeted 48 ships in the Arabian and Red Seas and plans to escalate its operations in these international waters. He added, "Our assaults against Israeli targets have involved over 183 missiles and drones, with maritime activities seeing both quantitative and qualitative enhancements. There has been a notable increase in the active deployment of missiles, drones, and military boats."

The Spanish newspaper "La Razon" analyzed Ansarullah's new weaponry, highlighting that small unmanned submarines will complicate maritime navigation in the Red Sea. These submarines, besides carrying explosives, can achieve high speeds, heightening the risk of severe damage to ships. The newspaper noted that these submarines can feature autonomous navigation, advanced sensors, sonar technology, global positioning systems, and navigation systems.

According to Al-Khaleej Online, Colonel Ismail Ayoub, a military specialist, commented on the historical use of such weaponry, stating: "The unmanned submarines of Ansarullah exhibit no significant deviation from recognized drones within naval military armaments. Much like drones, these submarines are unmanned and semi-guided, posing a substantial threat to submarines and, primarily, ships, remaining impactful if unidentified."

Regarding the ramifications of this armament, the military expert asserted: "Despite this weaponry, Western naval forces in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden may experience disorientation as naval vessels must consistently engage sonar, resulting in the depletion of sonar and radar systems."

Even American military analysts and officials have expressed astonishment at Ansarullah's military capabilities. According to The Telegraph, Admiral Lisa Franchetti, commander of the US Navy, conceded that Yemeni armed forces have accumulated significant expertise over the past nine years of intrusions, amassing a wealth of advanced weaponry and equipment, both in terms of quantity and quality.

Mike Mallory, a former official at the US Department of Defense, relayed to ABC News: "Unmanned submarines are submersible vessels, revealing Yemeni forces' advanced capabilities and adaptable strategy. Identifying and neutralizing unmanned submarines presents greater challenges than identifying and neutralizing drones and anti-ship missiles. These submarines may effectively target American sailors. This weaponry presents a significant, multifaceted threat that could disrupt the defensive systems of ships."

Ansarullah has destabilized the hegemony of the United States

In recent weeks, the United States has turned to European nations to confront Ansarullah and bolstered its naval presence in the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea in an attempt to extricate itself from this self-inflicted dilemma. However, it is clear that escaping this predicament without incurring significant costs and consequences is impossible.

The American naval coalition has not only failed to reinstate maritime security in the Red Sea but has also exacerbated the conflict with Yemen through its aggressive actions, dissuading many shipping companies from traversing this maritime zone.

Despite being considered the preeminent military power globally, the US has faced significant setbacks in Vietnam, Cuba, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Sanaa's triumph has unfolded in a region that the US once asserted control over the entry and exit points, now confronting an unprecedented challenge.

Moreover, on the international relations front, Washington appears incapable of forming an international coalition to safeguard Zionist ships in the Red Sea, leading to the inclusion of countries in the American naval coalition whose names are unfamiliar on the map.

The current global balance no longer tilts in favor of the United States, with major powers such as Russia and China seeking to capitalize on the Red Sea's dynamics, diminishing America's sway. The United States is deeply apprehensive that escalating tensions will play into the hands of its Eastern rivals.

Presently, the United States' deterrent capability and dominance in both the region and the global arena have diminished. Arab leaders, who once relied on the United States for their security, will undoubtedly reassess their security strategies. Over the past two years, these nations have increasingly turned towards China and Russia, indicating a shift away from Washington and a reduction in military reliance on this diminishing power.

The Biden administration finds itself at a crossroads, with no clear path forward or backward. Should the United States cease its Yemen operations without tangible achievements, its global standing will suffer considerably, given its failure against Ansarullah despite possessing advanced military technology. Continuation of its endeavors in the Red Sea may escalate the crisis, leading Ansarullah to contemplate shutting down the Bab al-Mandab Strait. Such an eventuality would trigger a severe global trade crisis, disproportionately affecting Western nations as primary stakeholders.

Should tensions persist along this trajectory, the repercussions of the Red Sea crisis will echo far beyond its narrow waters.

Data verifies Sanaa's dominance in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and the Arabian Sea, suggesting that current dynamics may pave the way for the decline of US hegemony in the region, highlighting its inherent inability to safeguard the existence of the Zionist regime.

Story Code: 1119724

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